Image From:http://www.cycoshop.com/photo-shoots-bikes-and-babes/93-silver-belle.html
As the saying goes, "The more things change, the more things stay same." Well, although I think we all do change, hopefully for the better, I think that if you ride BMX or Skateboard, and you are really true to the reasons why you started the sport/activity in the first place, you would be happy to know that the energy and spirit of the sports are still here. Yes, it is true that there is more corporate involvement and many people will always "do it for the money". However, it is also true that many don't and if it was possible for "the hard-cores" to ride more and engage more in BMX or Skateboarding they would. Sadly, trying to make a living just making money takes most of our time but the good news is that you can always have a bike or skateboard to ride and there are no limits to the fun you can have and the benefits you will receive. That is possible if it's really in your heart to do so.
I have good memories of seeing the Haro Team out in Chicago and I am happy to see them still riding and doing an old school show? Yes, all the old tricks, all the hype from the announcers who actually know about the sport, and most importantly, all the fun is still here. So whether you ride BMX or skate, it doesn't matter how many tricks you know, whether you can land them, or whether you never will. The point is to get out there and try hard. This means actually use the bike or skateboard and don't front or pose. Most importantly, and I cannot stress this enough, HAVE FUN! Be REAL to the world and the world will be REAL to you.
The following video is from WOOZYBMX.COM