Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Photo Credit: cr. Jennifer Huskey | © Lat34.com

Sometimes I come across people who say, aren't you too old to be riding bmx? I respond, "aren't you too old to play baseball or basketball?" The older people who tell me this are usually out of shape, don't take the best care of themselves, and in the worse case scenario are sitting in front of a television nursing a good sized beer belly. I mean, WTF, Kids play league ball(little league) and although they might not be able to hit as hard or run as fast as an adult, as it it makes any difference in the little league world, no one tells them that it's a sport only for kids. If that was the case their wouldn't be any semi-pro baseball leagues or pro players in general. The same goes for bmx and skateboarding.
I think that since they are newer sports and where based on the rejection of the more "jock" type of sports while also having a culture that rejects the conformity of a "team" environment, the sports unfortunately get hated on and looked upon as rebellious. I guess that fact that many of us listened to rap, hip-hop, punk-rock, and metal didn't help our image much but who cares. I mean, our goal was to have our own style and for the most part I think many are still pushing the envelope and developing their own twist in styles. At least I hope so...

In addition, the advertising of BMX and skateboarding has always been aimed youth even though it was adults who molded the sports.

Now, I know what you all are saying, "those bikes are so damn tiny, they have to be for kids..." Well, people who say that are ignoring the fact that it is going to be damn hard to move around freely on a 26 inch or a 58 cm road bike frame, unless you have an unchecked growth spurt not known in nature.

Tallest Man On A Custom Bike

Yes, I am aware of artistic cycling where it looks more like ballet on a bike, however, BMX came from the dirt to the pavement and the rough and rugged style was more in common with B-Boying then ballet... However, I am not hating, just making a clear distinction.

World Famous Rock Steady Crew
Photo Credit: http://www.break.pl/images/artykuly/bboying_lessons/bboying_lessons_3_rock_steady_crew.jpg
You can NEVER link up the combos on a big frame that you can on a 20 inch and for those that do, you better believe that they had a BMX background or at least mountain biking. Even the tallest of riders need a manageable bike to whip around and although they might max out the length and height, it's still BMX.
Photo Credit: http://www.interbmx.com/img/0704/InterBMX.com.2966.23.001233.jpg

It's also interesting how mountain bikes have changed so much for the "extreme" sector. In other words they got sleeker and smaller the those huge aluminum frames that are built today for cruising around suburban bike paths...
Anyway, the point of this post is not to force people to ride, skate, or do anything that they don't want to do. I mean, I admit that these sports are very hard, expensive, dangerous, competitive, and take a hell of a long time to perfect. The average person out there doesn't understand our internal need for dedication, camaraderie, and the freedom we feel when we do what we like to do. People will always want to try and control your thoughts, actions, and ideas or give you false information. Even family members can try and force you to conform to more "traditional" ways of existing. However, although I feel that you should try to respect people as much as possible especially your family, you should also never feel that you have to do something in order to please those who may not have your best interest at hand. You and I know that controlling people can live negative lives and spit negative vibes. Also, those that follow the flock can't cover new ground. They frown on creativity and differences because it clashes and challenges their corrupt ego and manufactured feelings of superiority.

Always Think Out Of The Box
So will I ever quit riding? Well, I already have. I quit many times for a variety of reasons but I kept coming back to it because it was fun, creative, and I could trim down the gut without hours of boring workouts on cybex machines or joining a health club where people try to show off gear and/or how antisocial they are. So I guess in my case, that old 2-Hip shirt was right... Riders Never Die...
So don't be afraid to do your thing ya'll, and let the rest keep running around in circles. I would much rather bust a wheelie in circles. These are words from an elder... Be free everyone or die trying...
Dennis Mccoy is pushing 40 and still going strong. Check out this Inrerview from VitalBMX.

Other Photo Credits:







Monday, December 15, 2008


I own a KGB frame and I have to honestly say that the thing is custom made for Flatland... No exceptions. I rode a Hoffman EP for a long time and although I loved the frame, it was definitely a freakin tank! So when I ordered the KGB frame, I was excited to see and "feel" the transition. It took me about a year to build just the way I wanted and get enough funds for the job. Thank you credit cards... Now I am forever owned but that's another story. Anyway, for all of you out there, I recommend slowly saving your funds and slowing build up your custom ride. KGB has allot of nice parts aside from their frames but I personally like their frames the best. They have recently came out with a Palmero frame which is definitely dope in my book.

Photo Credit: http://www.kgbflat.com/v2/?page_id=22&category=1

It has an old school feel with the twin top tube reminiscent of the infamous Haro Master.

Photo Credit: http://www.23mag.com/mags/bxm/bxm85.htm

However looking at the frame, you can tell that allot of thought and consideration went into building a frame that will enable a rider to move around the frame in whatever fashion they can imagine. For example, the down and top tube bends allow for a single or some multiple "Fire Hydrants". Also, a quick "Funky Chicken" will be easier to learn the way the tubes are engineered. KGB is owned by riders Martti Kuoppa and Viki Gomez. They are both hardcore Flatlanders with intense skills.

Here is a video of them blending their moves with the Hip-Hop culture. I really like this clip...

Video Credit: http://www.youtube.com/user/kuoppamartti

Also, a true OG of Flatland, Pete Brandt has also cut up some moves on these frames. I mean, what other proof do you you want?

Photo Credit: http://www.global-flat.com/articles/index.php?id=66

So if your shopping around for a frame, peep some KGB products. I am definitely happy with my frame. Peace...





Just me and my KGB...

Monday, December 8, 2008


I remember when I picked up my first BMX ACTION magazine. I used to go to a Jewel near my house where I often bought comic books and I saw a racer jumping a berm on the cover.

Photo Credit: http://www.iracebmx.com/racers/pro/ericrupe/index.htm
Opening the magazine, ads of brightly colored Freestyle bikes jumped out at me and that was the time when Freestyle BMX was starting to gain popularity.

Photo Credit: http://www.singlespeedshop.com/oldschoolbmx/rl20_8.jpg
Later came FREESTYLIN magazine which was dedicated to Freestyle trick riding but you would still see ads for straight racing BMX bikes and even skateboarding coverage and ads. Riding BMX and having a skateboard wasn't uncommon because if you can afford a BMX bike you definitely can afford a deck with trucks. Not all BMX heads skated but the point is that it was not uncommon and the sports, some would say "ways of life", shared the same streets and ramps. I would say the only obvious difference in getting into BMX was the price of the bicycles and many kids in my neighborhood chose to skate because of it. I would often meet skaters who wanted to ride but getting a bike was next to impossible. Likewise, those that did get bikes didn't last long in the sport for various reasons.

Photo Credit: http://www.bakerpools.net/collection/myhre2ad.jpg
Nowadays, getting a decent bike for cheap is not as impossible as it was years ago and although the bikes are specialized for street, flatland, dirt, and/or racing, one can get a bike and modify it enough to get started in any of the specializations. Back in the day, we would ride anything and everything like some flat, then go street riding downtown(Before the Daley institutional crack-down). We would ride a mini-half pipe in the summer in someone's back yard(Respect to Brian's "Big-Daddy" ramp and Skate Church), then hit Rotation Station(R.I.P.) or 4 Wheels Out. It was all good and it was all fun. We would ride the whole city, all hoods, and even end up in the suburbs. Although things are different now and cities are changing, there is no reason one can't get a bike and ride anything and everything. That is what Freestyle BMX is all about. I posted some bikes and frames that are cheap and can work for all round riding, even racing. I mean, if you get good on a heavy bike, imagine how good you will be on a lighter one. My first bike was a CW California Flyer... It was heavy as living f^ck, AND I had mags on it! So get a bike, look and study how other bikes are set up either for racing, street, or flat and get on it. Here is a hint, make it as light as possible, compact, and tighten up everything while maintaining high pressure in the tires. If anyone needs advice on how to turn a department store bike into a ridable stunt machine until you get enough money to get a better one, holler at me on myspace... GET YOUR ROLL ON!

Here is a decent bike from JensonUSA that you can start doing street, ramps, and racing right away on but also modify for flatland. For Flatland, just slap a front brake on there and keep them working well with grease and tightening. You will also need another set of pegs and you are ready to ride some Flatland. For racing, get some "nobbies" or racing tires. You will know them by the bumpy tread on them...

Photo Credit: © 2008 JensonUSA

The New DK Opsis Is ready for Flatland.


The Travis Collier frame is versatile and strong. A top of the line frame from MacNeil.


Also, if you guys are in the New York area, Brooklyn specifically, check out Post Bikes.

In Chicago, check out Grand Cycle, they have helped me out allot.

Some other places to find Flatland and BMX bikes:


Thursday, December 4, 2008


Photo Credit: http://www.skywaywheels.com/2002/products_003.htm

Back in the 80's, many racing and freestyle riders rocked mags. Skyway mags where the most popular but other manufactures soon jumped on the bandwagon and mags where produced that ranged from cheap plastic to metal. I remember when my neighbor at the time bought an either an 86 or 87 Schwinn Predator Free Form EX I think it was. It was white and orange and rather then come with stock Schwinn mags it came with orange Peregrine Master Mags. Needless to say that bike looked bad as hell. I couldn't afford a bike like that and my folks would never have paid that much especially since the bikes they did buy me either got stolen or I broke them apart and painted them all up with a spray paint can. Yea, I was a bit destructive.

Dave Vanderspek Of The Old School Skate/BMX Crew, The Curb Dogs On A 86 Kuwahara Bravo

Photo Credit: http://www.dreamgate.ne.jp/kuwahara/oldpics/oldpics_main.html

Anyway, back then, having mags meant making your bike look fresh especially with the colors, and rims at the time where not as strong. Flatlanders or even street, ramp, and racing riders wouldn't dream of riding with mags today but many top pros did many of the same tricks today with mag wheels and heavier bikes. Some older pros that rocked mags where Mike Dominguez, Kevin Jones, Aaron Dull, and Pete Augustine who was one of the originators of pure street riding. They all did extremely hard tricks with mags that most riders today have trouble with including 900's, multiple whiplashes(peep the Dorkin Vids), and tree ride fakies on the street. Today Skyway is making mags mostly for the old schoolers and BMX show enthusiasts but mags are no where to be found on any modern BMX bike unless it's sold at a retail store. Even then they are not the best quality. So how about it Skyway, dare to make a free coaster set of red mags for me? I didn't think so. But still, it would be cool to see someone rolling hitchhiker whips with a set. Just don't get your foot stuck or clip the one of the mag spokes... Instant crash and people around laughing. So is the life of a Freestyler...
Here is a clip of Mike Dominguez back in the day courtesy of:
Mike Dominguez AFA King Of Skateparks 1985

Monday, December 1, 2008

Odyssey "Chase" Bars

I just ran into some tight flatland bars on a random search. It's cool to see Odyssey AND Chase still in the game. I think I will buy me a pair and support plus I think they will look good on my bike. Yes, I am from the old school and it's all about having cool and flashy parts on your bike. I honestly get tired of the boring "look" of the bikes out there today although they are definitely stronger and lighter then the sheet metal and/or tanks we all used to ride on. Well, if I get a pair I will review them and post a pic. I will order from my site's sponsor "JensonUSA". You can check them out by clicking on the banner on the left side of the page. You should know who Chase is if you plan to ride Flatland. His skills are definitely unparalleled and original. Here is a video from youtube if you still don't know...
VIDEO CREDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5Om9ElGTH0

OdysseyBMX.comDaily WordDirect Link (Larger)

Monday, November 24, 2008


What is your name and where are you from?
John, Chicago

How long have you been riding?
since 1985(got into flat in 1986)

What kind of bike/bikes do you have?
Changes weekly...i'm a bike whore(lol). No, I plan on having this for a while...2005 quamen g6(76.5ht) with mounts.

1988 Haro Master set up almost exactly as I rode it back in 1988.

Flat bar road bike(customized)

What got you interested in Flatland BMX?
Seeing a Hawaiian Punch Freestyle Team show at the World Of Wheels in 86, the movie "RAD" and then meeting Hiro Tschiuda, Mark Murphy and a few other guys that same year. Hiro was always so helpful and willing to help w/everything...trick tips, rides to contests, parts, you name it!

What does Flatland BMX mean to you?
When I was young it was more of a sport type thing(everyone dreams of being a star) but now it's more of an art release for me. it's always meant friends and brotherhood to me even though all the years i rode street and neglected flatland.

Who is your favorite rider?
Anyone I ride with, anyone who doesn't think they're too good/cool to ride with or talk to you. Matt Wilhelm(seeing him grow up and take his riding all the way to the level it is was a cool experience for me). i also respect all the old guys of my era who pushed riding to where it is today. Without the Kevins, Chases and Gary Pollaks it would not have progressed!

What is your best BMX memory?
Too many to list! The underground sessions w/ Hiro, Bob Kohl, Billy, Murphy(yes he rode flat too!) we rode all night sometimes! Riding the lake front w/Tony the juggler, "Wheelie Dave", "The Twins". All the Picasso/State building adventures. Riding street with Chris(r.i.p), Junior and Scooter all night long in below freezing temps. Like I said, too many to list.

How can other riders contact you?

Global-flat, ebay or bmxmuseum, same user name on all of them...johnu773

Any last words?

you're only as old as you feel, don't burn bridges cuz you never know when you may need to recross them(formal apology Hiro...sorry for the years of heckling). always help others if you can, it's the way i got started and the way I'd like to be remembered. Thanks to God (for keeping me going, my beautiful girls, and my wife). My mom(for putting up w/me) Paul Hahn, Junior, Hiro, Matt Wilhelm and anyone who's tried help, motivate, encouraged or guide me in life.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Flatland Basics: Double OJ Roll

The basic tricks of Flatland BMX may not be the hardest but they will get you to where you want to go which is "natural progression". Flatland tricks can be frustrating to learn at first, no matter if they are basic or any other level, but they can also be allot of fun. Remember, that the basics are the foundation for the "harder" tricks and what might come easier to one rider, might be harder to another. Just keep practicing and stay positive. All things take time and don't ever get it twisted. Flatland is one of the harder sports but also one of the coolest. Yes, I am being biased. So why are you still reading this? Learn the trick, then learn some more and "Get your roll on!" Peace...

The following trick is broght to you by the riders over at http://www.bmxfreestyler.com/

Friday, November 21, 2008


These Japanese Riders have a sick style. I like the old school tricks they are incorporating... Too ill...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Females Riding Flatland BMX

What could be better then girls riding Flatland? Nothing, that's what's up!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hyped Flatland Riding From Hungary

These dudes look like some really hardcore riders. It looks like Hungary has got a dope scene.
Video Credit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogEslSeaCPE

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Terry Adams' New Flatland Film

Check out the new trailer for Terry Adams new film about Flatland linked up from EXPN... Support Flatland, get the DVD...